A stress-free evening routine



Choose how you end your day so you can be relaxed before going to bed

Prepare yourself for a good night’s sleep. Activities such as reading a book, listening to music, or meditating and stretching will help you relax before you go to bed. If you watch a lot of TV, particularly news, scroll through social media or drink too much alcohol in the evening, you are less likely to go to bed in a calm and relaxed state. Find an evening routine that helps you decompress.


What does a stress-free evening routine look like?

It is important to switch off all screens at least 30 minutes before bed and to have some quiet time. Use this time to do something you find relaxing. If you’re calm when you go to bed you will sleep better and you’ll wake up more energized. Every person is different, so it’s important to figure out what works best for you. But whatever your routine is, aim to get 7 to 9 hours of sleep.

  • Turn off all screens (at least) 30 minutes before bed

  • Begin relaxing at least 30 minutes before bedtime

  • Read for pleasure

  • Do some light stretches

  • Brush your teeth

  • Practice some breathing exercises or meditation

  • Go to bed in a calm and relaxed state

Do you experience difficulties with your evening routine or forming a new habit?

If you struggle with making changes to your routine, we encourage you to study these 11 habits. It might make sense to also look at other aspects of your lifestyle.