CREATE A pre-sleep routine
Your pre-sleep routine really matters
The lifestyle choices we make during the day, and especially in the evening, play a major role in determining how well we sleep. The right choices will help us go to bed in a relaxed and calm state and will boost the quality and quantity of our sleep.
Plan your evening routine so you will get about 8 hours of sleep
Sleep is the cornerstone of good health, and getting 7 to 9 hours a night is essential. Having an evening ritual or routine can help you prepare properly for it. All screens should be turned off at least 30 minutes before going to bed. Looking at email, texts or phones can increase your stress levels and prevent you from falling asleep in a relaxed manner. If 30 minutes is too much, start with 10 minutes and then try to gradually increase it. Activities such as listening to music, meditating or relaxing in another way, help you going to bed in a calm and relaxed state. Lastly, make it a habit to keep your bedroom clean.
What does an ideal evening routine look like?
Every person is different, and it is important to find relaxing habits that work best for you:
Turn off all screens (at least) 30 minutes before bed
Begin relaxing (at least) 30 minutes before bedtime
Read for pleasure
Do some light stretches
Brush your teeth
Practice some breathing exercises or meditation
Make sure your bedroom is clean, cool and dark
Go to bed on time
Do you experience difficulties with your sleep routine?
If you struggle with your sleep routine, we encourage you to study these 11 habits. It might make sense to look at other aspects of your lifestyle.