
End your day on a positive note

Just like you can do things throughout the day that increase positivity and mindfulness, you can also work on making your evening pleasant. Try not to watch too much TV and make sure you you minimize your time on social media. The key is to do something you find relaxing or interesting. Before you go to bed, spend a few minutes reflecting on pleasant moments you may have experienced throughout the day. You could write these thoughts down in a gratitude journal. This will help you go to bed in a positive state of mind. Practicing gratitude, even for just a few minutes every day, can significantly increase your happiness.

Aim for 8 hours of sleep every night

Getting a goodnight’s sleep is essential. It’s very difficult to be mindful, feel grateful and stay positive when you’re fatigued. That’s why it’s important to have an evening routine that is positive and helps you go to bed on time.

Here are some tips that will help you with developing a good evening routine:

  • Turn off all screens (at least) 30 minutes before bed

  • Spend 3 minutes focusing on deep breathing

  • Look back at your day and think of a positive moment/experience

  • Make sure you’re in bed on time, so you can get 8 hours of sleep

Do you experience difficulties getting into a good routine?

If you struggle with your evening routine, we encourage you to study these 11 habits. It might make sense to look at other aspects of your lifestyle.