
A healthy diet is one that helps maintain or improve overall health

The word “diet” can be confusing and often implies restrictions and/or short-term efforts at weight loss. When we refer to a healthy diet, we mean a healthy eating pattern. This is the combination of your eating and drinking habits over a longer period of time. We believe a successful healthy eating pattern is not only determined by the foods and drinks consumed, but also whether the pattern is sustainable or not.

The latest science on nutrition:

There are many different healthy eating patterns, so find what works best for you. We don’t want to tell you to follow a specific type of diet. Instead we provide you with guiding principles based upon the latest science:

  • Try to consume vegetables with every meal

  • Eat fresh fruits throughout the day

  • Drink water (minimize liquid calories)

  • Include whole grains, beans and legumes as excellent sources of fiber and nutrients

  • Minimize sugar

  • Minimize processed foods

It’s important to avoid drinking too many calories and overeating.

In a nutshell, as long as you are following the guidelines above, you are following a healthy diet.

Why are high nutrients important?

Our cars need the right fuel to run smoothly. If we use the wrong grade of gasoline, our cars will breakdown. The same is true of our bodies; if we primarily consume low nutrient food, our bodies will also eventually become sick, so its important to have a healthy diet. And the benefits of consuming high nutrient foods go beyond just preventing disease.

The benefits:

  • Slows down the aging process

  • Improves our brain health

  • Decreases overeating

  • Improves our skin

  • Increases our energy levels

  • Strengthens our immune system


Listen to your body

A healthy diet comes in many different forms. If you want to follow a paleo or vegan diet, that is fine. Both can be very healthy. However, problems can occur if you mistake unhealthy food for good nutrition. For example, you can follow a vegan diet but still be consuming a lot of sugary sodas and potato chips. A vegan diet is unhealthy when it is full of such empty calories. A paleo diet can also be unhealthy if you are unaware of what you are eating and are missing out on nutrients and fiber.


Additional helpful resources:

Healthy Eating Plate, The Nutrition Source, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health