A healthy weight is an outcome of a healthy lifestyle
Weight loss, or fat loss to be specific, is a natural by-product of a healthy lifestyle. Focus on leading healthy lifestyle: improve your sleep, work on your stress management, have a positive outlook, exercise efficiently and eating healthily. If you do this, you will feel energized, fit and happy, and a healthy weight will follow.
A healthy lifestyle starts with a healthy morning routine
Starting your day off on the right foot is important. A good morning routine will make it easier to make healthy choices throughout the rest of the day.
What does a healthy morning routine look like?
Everyone is different, so it’s important to find what works best for you, but a good sample routine is as follows:
Start with a glass of water
Wait at least 10 minutes after waking up before looking at screens
Try to exercise in the morning so can feel good throughout the rest of your day
Have a healthy breakfast
Breaking it down:
Start with a glass of water
After 8 hours of sleeping our bodies will be a bit dehydrated and therefore it’s good to start the day with a large glass of water.
Don’t look at screens first thing in the morning
Don’t look at screens in the first 10 minutes of the day. Looking at mobile devices or computers straight after we wake up can negatively affect our mood and cause unnecessary stress. Feeling stressed in the morning sets the tone for the day, and can make the rest of the day feel like an uphill struggle. Excess stress also hurts your sleep, nutrition, physical activity and mental wellbeing making it nearly impossible to achieve and maintain a healthy weight. Fortunately, managing stress is something everyone can learn.
Exercise in the morning
Exercising every day is a great habit as it reduces your stress and lifts your mood. If you are regularly skipping exercise because of work or other obligations, then try exercising first thing in the morning.
A healthy breakfast is part of a healthy lifestyle
A healthy breakfast is the foundation of a healthy eating pattern.
Do you experience difficulties following a good morning routine?
If you struggle with your routine or experience difficulties adopting new habits, we encourage you to study these 11 habits. These habits form the basis for success. Behind each one you will find guidance around how you can introduce that new habit into your daily routine.