RENDLE’s goal is to help you improve your health and happiness.

We hope that our feedback and actionable steps will help you to meet and exceed the minimum guidelines for healthy living. Our scoring calculation takes into account the recommended guidelines based upon research conducted by many leading scientific institutions including the CDC, the NHS, the WHO, Harvard, and Stanford University.

The most important things to remember:

  1. Whether you’re an Olympic athlete or someone struggling with a chronic condition, we all have room for improvement.

  2. Anyone can achieve these recommended guidelines in a matter of weeks.

You can simply start by making small changes to your daily routine. Those small changes can positively impact your sleep, stress management, and your mindset which in turn all influence your exercise and nutritional habits.

How the scoring works:

The score ranges from 0 to 10 and is displayed as VERY POOR to SUPERIOR. So, for example, if your numeric score is 6.9, you will see a FAIR score in your report. See the score bar below for the entire range.


The scoring is solely based on the answers you have provided in the Lifestyle Snapshot:

The score takes into account your weekly routine. If you currently meet most of the minimum guidelines, your score will most likely be FAIR. If you exceed these recommendations, your score will be GOOD, EXCELLENT or SUPERIOR. If you don’t meet the minimum recommended guidelines your score will appear as INADEQUATE or POOR. If you are disappointed with your score, please don’t be. View this process as a learning experience and an opportunity to make improvements. You can start by analyzing your healthy lifestyle checklist, see where you have room for improvement, and then execute the steps in your to-do list.

Below are the minimum recommended guidelines for healthy living that our scoring calculation takes into account:

💤 Sleeping 7+ hours a night

👣 Walking 30+ minutes per day

🏋🏽‍♂️ Engaging in strength exercises 2+ times per week

🚭 Not smoking

🥦 Eating 3+ servings of vegetables* per day

* Assuming you also consume 2 servings of fresh fruit, so your total is a combined 5 servings of fruits and vegetables per day.

In addition to these guidelines, the score also takes into account other factors such as your stress level, how happy you feel, and whether you have back pain. Your height, weight, age and gender do not factor into your score.

Learning that you can do better might initially seem unpleasant.

Working more on your health and happiness can only do you good. Your lifestyle snapshot score will highlight what you can improve and where to start. However, being confronted with things you can do better may initially disappoint you. However, we recognize that receiving a lower-than-expected score might be an unpleasant surprise. This is not unusual because most people don’t meet the minimum recommended guidelines. People also tend to focus on their strengths and often ignore, or are even unaware of, their weaknesses. An important part of the process of improvement is identifying your weaker areas. Embrace the fact that you are now aware of the areas where you can do better.


Why it’s helpful to become aware of the recommended guidelines?

Understanding the basic components of a healthy lifestyle is important. Today nearly 80% of disease in the western world is caused by unhealthy lifestyles, specifically the fact that people are not meeting the minimum recommended guidelines for sleep, exercise, and nutrition. Heart disease, type 2 diabetes, obesity and many cancers are just some of the conditions that are a direct result of poor lifestyles. 

I still think my score is too low. How is this possible?

If you have looked at the recommended guidelines mentioned above and you are indeed sleeping 8 hours a night, you exercise daily and consume 3+ servings of vegetables per day, and your score is not as high as expected, it may be caused by an error when you filled out your answers.

I think I made some mistakes and would like to take the assessment again. How can I receive another invite?

You can contact us here. Mention in the subject “NEW INVITE” and provide the email address you have used with us before.

Some experts say that knowledge does not lead to change. Is this correct?

Gaining knowledge will not by itself generate change, but it is an important first step. Without knowledge there is no visible or sustainable path towards improvement. The score is an important part of becoming aware and acknowledging that you can and you want to make some improvements. You should view knowledge as a prerequisite to success.

Feel free to contact us

Please contact us if you have any other questions.

We wish you true wealth.